The National Health, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), in partnership with multiple federal partners, launched the initiative Early Intervention to Promote the Cardiovascular Health of Mothers and Children (ENRICH) in early 2022. The purpose of ENRICH is to test the effectiveness of an implementation-ready intervention, delivered in the context of early childhood home visiting, to promote and address disparities in maternal and early childhood cardiovascular health. Mother-child dyads will be enrolled across seven clinical centers that are partnering with local home visiting programs implementing Healthy Families America, Parents as Teachers, Nurse Family Partnership and Family Check-Up.
NHLBI awarded Johns Hopkins University the role of ENRICH Resource Coordinating Center (RCC). The RCC is charged with supporting the clinical centers in developing a common protocol that will be implemented and tested across all sites. HARC Leadership Team member, Dr. Cynthia Minkovitz, is one of three multiple principal investigators (MPI) for the RCC, along with Dr. Stephan Ehrhardt from the Department of Epidemiology and Dr. Lisa Cooper from the School of Medicine. The RCC will leverage HARC’s resources to integrate aspects of precision home visiting into ENRICH. The RCC and clinical centers will also seek to engage early-stage investigators in all aspects of the project.