Welcome! Below you will find links to information specifically for those in early stages of their careers, from undergraduate students to post-doctoral researchers. Included are the latest funding, training, and career growth opportunities, information on the Mentoring program, and on the Webinar series. This information will be updated regularly and we encourage you to share it with your colleagues.

Mentoring Program: HARC is developing a mentoring program for EC scholars, and implementing intentional strategies to increase the number of early career scholars who go into home visiting research, and the number of early career scholars in home visiting from underrepresented groups. Please follow this link to the Mentoring Program webpage.

Resources: Currently the Resources page has information on how to join HARC, and on HARC webinars specific for early career scholars. Please follow this link to the Resources page.

Opportunities: HARC is collecting fellowship and award opportunities for all levels of early career scholars, please follow this link to review the opportunities.

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