This mixed method study of service coordination between home visiting programs and medical homes sought to understand the current extent of coordination, factors associated with…
Research Network Studies
Since 2017, there have been nearly three dozen studies carried out with HARC’s practice-based research network (PBRN). These studies have covered a variety of topics –family engagement, military families, birth outcomes, home visiting’s response to COVID-19, workforce development, and many more. HARC PBRN studies recruit a range of participants, in the past program managers, supervisors and home visitors have all had the opportunity to participate in studies. The PBRN has also supported studies that have worked through home visitors to recruit families enrolled in home visiting. All HARC PBRN studies undergo a review process by the HARC Council. More information about proposing a study can be found here.

Completed Studies
In the past year, HARC’s PBRN has been used to recruit participants for the following studies:
- Supporting and Strengthening the Home Visiting Workforce (recruitment closed)
- Pretesting a New Measure of Reflective Supervision Practices for the Home Visiting Context (recruitment closed)
- Establishing Behaviors for Coaching Home Visitors: A Modified e-Delphi Study (recruitment closed)
Upon completion, the HARC Council requests that study teams put together a brief highlighting study aims and key results. These briefs are shared with study participants first and later disseminated to the entire network. A selection of completed briefs can be found below.
Featured Study Briefs
Research Brief
COVID-19’s Continued Impact on Home Visiting
This study is a follow-up to a survey of local home visiting programs that was conducted in April 2020. The study aimed to assess programs’…
This mixed method study was designed to fill gaps in research that will inform home visiting program capacity to service military families by examining, 1)…
Research Brief
COVID-19’s Early Impact on Home Visiting
This study examined how local home visiting programs across the nation adapted to pandemic related challenges. Survey data were collected from local models and included…
Abstract: Home visiting can play a key role in the early childhood system of services. For home visiting to achieve its potential, decision-makers must make…
Research Brief
Development of a Trauma-Informed Approach in Home Visiting
This project used a precision home visiting lens to examine how home visiting programs currently handle maternal depression, trauma history, and low social support and…
Research Brief
Equalizing the Playing Field: Home Visiting’s Role in Linking Families to Economic Supports
Using a mixed methods approach, this study examined home visitors’ familiarity with the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and other economic benefits available to families and…
Research Brief
Group Parent Support in Home Visiting Programs
This study investigated the use of parent groups in programs that provide intensive home visiting as their primary service provision to parents and children prenatally…
Research Brief
Parent Engagement During Home Visits: Learning from Home Visitor Experiences and Perspectives
This mixed method study sought to fill gaps in existing research on how home visiting programs support staff to successfully engage parents during home visiting…