Partner News
Supporting and Strengthening the Home Visiting Workforce (SAS-HV) Recent Briefs Link copied to clipboard
Led by ACF in collaboration with the HRSA, SAS-HV aims to improve our understanding regarding how best to support and strengthen the home visiting workforce.

Understanding and Conceptualizing Home Visitor Professional Well-Being and Reflective Supervision
Two recent reports from SAS-HV help to advance the understanding of home visitor professional well-being and reflective supervision. Each report summarizes knowledge and gaps in relevant research, measures, and related materials in home visiting and introduces a conceptual model to guide future work.
Reflective Supervision: A Planning Tool for Home Visiting Supervisors
This brief from SAS-HV introduces key elements of reflective supervision and presents a tool to help supervisors plan, conduct, and reflect on sessions with a focus on those elements.
Improving Home Visitor Professional Well-Being: A Resource for State and Tribal Home Visiting Programs, Model Representatives, and Local Programs
This brief from SAS-HV offers specific ways for home visiting programs, models, and local agencies to measure and strengthen professional well-being.