Abstract: The federal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program provides funding to states to promote health and development of at-risk expectant families and families with young…
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Innovative Research Methods to Advance Precision in Home Visiting for More Efficient and Effective Programs
Abstract: Home visiting during early childhood can improve a range of outcomes for children and families. As evidence-based models are implemented across the nation, two…
Abstract: Home visiting is a preventive service strategy to promote child health and development by providing voluntary services to expectant families and families with young…
Abstract: Although early childhood home visiting (HV) programs and primary care often have overlapping goals for child health and family well-being, little is known about…
Abstract: Home visiting programs are increasingly recognized as an important part of the early childhood system of care in the United States. The objectives of…
Home Visiting Narrative: Rewrite Is in Progress
In this letter to the editor, the authors respond to an editorial by Dr. Shonkoff regarding the need for a different approach to early childhood…
Abstract: Home visiting can play a key role in the early childhood system of services. For home visiting to achieve its potential, decision-makers must make…